December 20, 2019

Kitchen work triangle


First of all, when we listen to the kitchen the first thing that comes to mind is tasty food. like many dishes while making these dishes first thing that is to be counted is the atmosphere of the kitchen that atmosphere is built up with vibes that anyone in the kitchen is feeling about that vibes always comes from the designing of the kitchen whenever the kitchen is to be designed it must be designed such a manner that the person working in the kitchen will enjoy the vibes inside the kitchen that vibes come in while working how this vibe comes in mind of anybody first of all when the kitchen is designed that work which is to be done inside the kitchen will comfort for the everyone like the facilities which is being used in the kitchen i.e. sink, refrigerator, the oven should be close enough for easy approachable and should be at least at a distance which should not make kitchen congested. by studying these a great philosopher Lillian Moller Gilbreth discovered a new law which became famous as the kitchen work triangle

The kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetic and functional.  The primary tasks in  a home kitchen are carried out between the cooktop, the sink, and the refrigerator.

who was Lillian Moller Gilbreth?

Lillian Evelyn Moller Gilbreth 

birth:- May 24, 1878 

two children:- Ernestine and Frank Jr.

husband name: Frank Bunker Gilbreth

her achievements

1) American psychologist

2)industrial engineer



she was best in applying psychology to time-and-motion studies.  in  1940 she was described as "a genius in the art of living. Gilbreth was the first female engineer who completed their Ph.D., she was the first industrial/organizational psychologist. 

both husband and wife experts in motion study and human factors.

death:- January 2, 1972

you can check more about her through Wikipedia

what is the kitchen work triangle?

The kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetic and functional.  The primary tasks in  a home kitchen are carried out between the cooktop, the sink, and the refrigerator.

 The kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetic and functional. 

The primary tasks in
a home kitchen are carried out between the cooktop, the sink, and the refrigerator.

 These three points and the imaginary lines between them, make up what kitchen experts call the work triangle the idea is that when the three members are close ( but not too close) to one another the kitchen will be easy and efficient to use.


prefect kitchen work triangle requires:-

* No leg of the triangle should be less than 4 feet (1.2 m) and more than 9 feet(2.7 m)

* The sum of three sides of the triangle must be between 13 feet to 26 feet

* Any obstacle must not intersect the legs of the triangle more than 1 feet

* If possible there should be no traffic flow 

Various kitchen formats fit the work triangle idea 

While the work triangle's most evident format is the conventional U-molded kitchen, numerous different designs can work. 

For example, an enormous, open-idea kitchen with an island can even now hold the center three-sided position of the three primary components. 

While a cookroom kitchen that fills in as an avenue in your home abuses the traffic-stream rule, a kitchen that is shut off toward one side can be an ideal illustration of the work triangle.

 An L-molded kitchen can pleasantly oblige the triangle idea too.

The kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetic and functional.  The primary tasks in  a home kitchen are carried out between the cooktop, the sink, and the refrigerator.

The advantages of the kitchen work triangle 

Even though the kitchen work triangle idea is currently many years old, its allure lives on. For a cook, having the three most significant kitchen components close to a couple of steps away is as advantageous as it ever seemed to be. The design this idea directs will in general prompt legitimate counter space encompassing the sink and significant machines. On the off chance that you've ever worked in a kitchen where the cooler is set right facing the sink, you will realize how woefully that counter space isolating the two is required. From a security viewpoint, it's significant not to have cupboards or islands impeding the cook's way starting with one zone then onto the next. Limiting pedestrian activity through the cook's working space likewise incredibly expands profitability and accommodation. 

The downsides of the work triangle 

The kitchen work triangle thought was initially called "round directing" and was turned out at a ladies' composition in 1929. 

The idea dovetailed pleasantly with the purported logical administration standards stylish at that point, which advanced work proficiency and profitability yet were later reprimanded for dealing with people like machines. The Illinois School of Architecture further built up the idea during the 1940s, 

carrying it to pretty much its present structure. 

The dated suspicions heated into the work triangle hypothesis can be dangerous. Some time ago, kitchens were generally a utilitarian space for the "housewife"

 to plan suppers. Right up 'til the present time, keeping the three primary kitchen components near one another is generally advantageous to a solitary cook utilizing the space. 

On the off chance that you have various relatives cooking immediately, the work triangle may not function also for you. 

Propensities and necessities have changed in current occasions. There are frequently two cooks utilizing the kitchen immediately, and the kitchen is viewed as a greater amount of a casual social affair space for loved ones. Also, kitchens have filled significantly in size since the after-war period, and an extensive rundown of apparatuses is the standard.

 We request much more from our kitchens today than we could possibly do when the triangle idea was created. A few fashioners have contended that it's an ideal opportunity to scrap 

the kitchen work triangle idea out and out.

The kitchen work triangle is a concept used to determine efficient kitchen layouts that are both aesthetic and functional.  The primary tasks in  a home kitchen are carried out between the cooktop, the sink, and the refrigerator.


Next typing is about the heights of kitchen cabinets 

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