December 30, 2019

Amdavad Ni Gufa( basic facts about Amdavad Ni Gufa)

Amdavad Ni Gufa:-

Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa
Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa

Amdavad Ni Gufa
Amdavad Ni Gufa

Type.                           : Art gallery
Location: Ahmedabad
Construction Period: 1992-1995
Architect.                   : Ar. B.V Doshi
Client.                         : M.F Hussain


Ahemdabad Ni Gufa is an underground art gallery in Ahemdabad. It exhibits the work of the famous artist Maqbool Fida Hussain. The gallery represents a unique juxtaposition of architecture and art. The cave-like underground structure has a roof made of multiple interconnected domes, covered with a mosaic of tiles. Inside it, there are irregular tree-like columns that support the domes.


Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa
Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa

The gallery is called gufa because it resembles a cave. It was earlier known as Hussain-Doshi Ni Gufa after the name of its architect B.V Doshi and artist M.F Hussain. The structure's contemporary architecture draws an ancient and natural theme. The caves of Ajanta and Ellora inspired Doshi to design the interior with circles and ellipses, while Hussain's wall paintings are inspired by Paleolithic cave art. The mosaic tiles on the roof are similar to those found on the roofs of the Jain temples at Girnar, and the mosaic snake is from Hindu mythology. The entire design is made up of circles and ellipses. The interior is divided by tree trunk on columns similar to those found in stoneage. Computer-assisted planning facilities were used to resolve the structure's unorthodox design. The domes are inspired by the shells of tortoises and by soap bubbles.


Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa
Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa

A simple floor of wire mesh and mortar was used instead of a traditional foundation. All the structure's components are self-supporting. Ferro cement, only one inch thick, was used for the undulating walls and domes to reduce load. The domes themselves are supported by irregularly shaped inclined columns, similar to those found in natural caves. Broken crockery and waste tiles were used to cover the dome's exterior, which bears a transversal mosaic of a snake.
The construction work was carried out in two phases:-
 a) The first was the construction of the main cave as an underground art gallery.
b) The second covered the surroundings structures including the paving, the cafe, and a specific art gallery for exhibition.
The cave was constructed by unskilled tribal laborers using only hand tools.


Amdavad Ni Gufa
Amdavad Ni Gufa

Light arrives through snouts creating spots of light on the floor which move around as the day progress, intended to create a mystic atmosphere. The gallery space is below ground level. A partially hidden staircase leads to a circular door which opens into a cave-like space. Though designed to display paintings, the cave has no straight walls, instead of using a continuation of the curved dome structure which extends down to the floor.

Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa
Section of Amdavad Ni Gufa

Sub points:-

1. M.F Hussain used the gallery's walls as a canvas, paintings on them with bold strokes and bright colors.
2. The figures were designed to resemble ancient cave paintings in a modern environment.


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